Mensa Institutsviertel

Aktueller Speiseplan

Auf Wunsch vegan
Additives labelling
alc: with alcohol, nF: from sustainable fisheries, ri: with beef, sch: with pork, 3: with flavor enhancers, 4: with colouring agent, 5: with antioxidants, 6: with preservatives, 7: sulfured, 8: with phosphates, 9: with sweeteners, 18: containing a source of phenylalanine,
Ei: eggs, Er: peanut, Fi: fish, Gl: glutenous grain, GlD: spelt, GlG: barley, GlR: rye, GlW: wheat, Kr: crustacean, Lu: lupine, ML: dairy (-product), NM: almond, Nu: edible nuts, Sa: sesame, Se: celery, Sf: sulfur dioxide/ sulfite, Sn: mustard, So: soy, We: mollusks,

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Mensa Institutsviertel

The Mensa Institutsviertel is located in the middle of the natural sciences campus, in the north-eastern part of Freiburg. It offers a varied range of vegetarian, vegan and meat dishes. In addition to four different plate dishes, there is a large self-service area with a salad bar, a front cooking area where the dishes are prepared in front of the guests and a buffet (Thursday is pizza day: all pizzas - topped with your choice of toppings - are also available to take away). 
Freshly squeezed orange juice, milkshakes, iced coffee and iced chocolate, ice cream, fresh fruit in cups and pasta from Monday to Wednesday are available at the special offer counter. 

Idyllically situated by a small stream, the outdoor area is ideal for spending the lunch break "in the green" in summer.

On the ground floor of the canteen there is a counter with a service point and a "lounge area" with sofas where you can just sit.

Info on accessibility

  • Lift
  • Transport aid for trays
  • Height adjustable table
  • Microwave
