
The Deutsche Studentenwerk (DSW, head organization of the Studentenwerke) asked design and art students in their 31st poster contest to create a poster that shows the University as the students "natural habitat".
381 students took part. The winning designs are shown in an Exhibition that tours around Germany.
In Freiburg, the exhibition is shown from November 2nd to 20th in the Mensa Rempartstraße Bistro.
The life at German universities is colorful, lively and diverse. This exhibition is showing this diversity in the exhibition "Diversity? Yeas please!" with posters from students from all over Germany. This road show can be found in the Bistro of the Mensa rempartstraße from 21st of April till 7th of May.
Spiderman and Donald Duck, Batman and Popeye, Homer Simpson and Mickey Mouse walk “Hand in Hand for Diversity”. With this poster series, graphical design student Nam Do Hoai from Düsseldorf the 28th poster contest of the Deutsche Studentenwerk (DSW).
A selection of 30 posters, including the winner, is touring through the Student Service Centers of Germany. From 21st of April till 7th of May this road show can be seen in the Bistro of the mensa Rempartstraße here in Freiburg. Entry is free!
All in all 296 design students from 24 universities in Germany took part in the contest. They submitted 442 posters. A jury chose the winners with 500€ prices for three 3rd places, 1000€ for two 2nd places and 2000€ for one first place, in total 5.500€.
Theme of this contest was the thriving diversity at German universities. This diversity includes all different groups of students; for example international students, students with children, students with chronical diseases or disabilities. The design students were invited to submit positive, funny, surprising and deep posters to this "Diversity" theme.
Opening hours of the exhibition:
21.04.2015 bis 7.05.2015
Mo-Fr 11.30 – 14.00 Uhr, Sa 11.30 – 13.30 Uhr
Mensa Rempartstraße
Rempartstraße 18
79098 Freiburg
the travelling armchair...
From 30th of Oktober till 12th of Dezember 2014 the SWFR presents pictures of Stefan Sirtl at the MensaBistro.
SIENTATE means wanderlust, foreign countries, different cultures, people and their stories. And it means “sit down” in Spanish. Stefan Sirtl is showing all of this in his photography from travels all over the world This means traveling on a low budget, on foot with a backpack or on a bike. With him his camera and La Silla, a red chair found on the streets.
You can see picutres from Middle America, Asia and pictures from the SWFR at the MensaPavillon.
The exhibition will taka place on 30th of Oktober at 8.30pm in the MensaBar:
"Abgefahrene Geschichten von reisenden Sesseln aus Mittelamerika und Asien, eine farbenfrohe Ausstellungseröffnung und impro-jazzige Neun-Zehntel-Takte von Khandroma - ein Abend im Zeichen der Freiburger Kunst!" (Stefan Sirtl)