Mensa Littenweiler

Aktueller Speiseplan

Auf Wunsch vegan
Additives labelling
alc: with alcohol, bio: bio - organic, nF: from sustainable fisheries, o: main ingredient of bio-signed component is organic, ri: with beef, sch: with pork, 3: with flavor enhancers, 4: with colouring agent, 5: with antioxidants, 6: with preservatives, 7: sulfured, 8: with phosphates, 9: with sweeteners, 18: containing a source of phenylalanine,
Ei: eggs, Fi: fish, Gl: glutenous grain, GlD: spelt, GlG: barley, GlH: oat, GlR: rye, GlW: wheat, Lu: lupine, ML: dairy (-product), Nu: edible nuts, Sa: sesame, Se: celery, Sf: sulfur dioxide/ sulfite, Sn: mustard, So: soy,

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Mensa Littenweiler

The Mensa Littenweiler is located in the centre of the campus of the PH, which is situated in the south-eastern part of Freiburg. Four freshly prepared menus (fish, meat, vegetarian or vegan) are served daily. In addition, there is a large self-service area with a salad bar, a grill and a wok.

One of the special features of the Mensa Littenweiler is its own pasta factory. Pasta is made here for all of Freiburg's mensas - sometimes even while the food is being served, so it's worth taking a look.

The spacious terrace invites you to eat and relax outdoors.

Info on accessibility

  • Lift
  • Transport aid for trays
  • Height adjustable table
