International Club

The International Club is a meeting point for students from all over the world. Here, they can get new contacts and learn about other cultures. During the semester, we organize culb evenings every Thursday in the MensaBar. Besides, we also offer the language café "Café Multilingua", different cooking as well as handcrafting workshops, interactive German courses, reading and a lot more.
All our events can be found here: link to the event calendar.
In order to keep updated, you are warmly welcome to subscribe our IC newsletter on the right side of this page. Don't forget to follow us at social media:
- Instagram: ic.freiburg [link to IC Instagram]
- Facebook: IC Freiburg [link to IC Facebook]
For only 2 euros, you can become a member of the IC. With the membership, you will get a club card which is valid for one semester.
What are the benefits of the IC membership?
- free or discounted entrance fee at our IC events [link to the event calendar]
- discounted price at the Studitours [link to the page of Studitours]
Where can I get a club card?
- at the SWFR Info center [link to the Info Center]
- at IC events in the MensaBar
- at all Service Points in the Freiburg canteens
Alle IC-Abende findet ihr in unserem Veranstaltungskalender: Link zum Kalender
Während der Vorlesungszeit veranstalten wir immer donnerstags unsere IC-Abende in der MensaBar. Jeder Clubabend steht unter dem Motto eines Landes, einer Welt- & Kulturregion oder einer Festlichkeit. Durch traditionelle und moderne Tänze, Live-Musik, Vorträge, Poesie, Gesang, Akrobatik- und Kampfsportdarbietungen, Theater- und Comedybeiträge und viele Stände lässt sich die jeweils vorgestellte Kultur dabei hautnah erleben. Dabei treten Studierende auf, die eine Verbindung zum jeweiligen Motto haben, sowie lokale Bands, Musik- oder Tanzgruppen. Die Clubabende werden in Kooperation mit den jeweiligen Kulturvereinen organisiert.
Außerdem gibt es unsere beliebten IC-Reihen:
• Walking Dialogues
Ihr erlernt die Deutsche Sprache ganz entspannt bei interaktiven Erlebnissen in und um Freiburg.
• Café Multilingua
Im Café Senkrecht trefft ihr Studierende aus aller Welt. Die Tische des Cafés werden zu Sprachinseln. So entsteht eine inspirierende Vielfalt an Sprachen und Kulturen.
• Kochworkshops
In „Mirais japanischer Küche“ lernt ihr, wie man mit einfachen Zutaten und den richtigen Gewürzen so authentisch kochen kann wie in Japan.
„Badisch backen und kochen“ bietet Einblicke in die authentische regionale Küche und lässt Freiburg kulinarisch erlebbar werden.
• Kreativworkshops
Ihr habt Lust auf Basteln? Makramee, Adventskranz, Freundschaftsbändchen u.v.m. – Wir entdecken zusammen die DIY-Welt.
Our Buddy Program matches new international students with experienced Freiburg students for an orientation in the city and at the university. This makes the first steps in the new country a little easier.
Here you can find all information about the Buddy Program: link to the website of the Buddy Program
Looking for tandem partners to practice a foreign language or spend free time together? Language is the key to another culture and perhaps also to a new friendship. Join the Tandem Portal of the International Club.
How does the program work?
Step 1: Sign in at the Service Portal [link to the Service Portal]
- If you don't have an account yet, you have to register for it.
- You can find it in the upper right corner of the website. If you are already registered, simply log in with your user data.
Step 2: Create a tandem profile and search for a language partner
Our Tandem Facebook group will continue to exist. Here you can get short term information about tandem parties etc. and network: link to the Tandem group on Facebook
Beside the Tandem Portal, you can also use out tandem Facebook group. Here you will also get information about events where you can get get connected with other studentsich vernetzen kann: link to the tandem group on Facebook
Blog project: Voices against racism and populism
Racist attitudes, populist currents: The stirring up of hatred, anger and prejudice against social groups is present in everyday life and in the digital world. Populist movements and their opinion leaders are on the rise. They accept, provoke and reinforce the division of society. Racist attitudes go hand in hand with this and often form the foundation of populist movements.
We want to give space to voices against racism and populism with the project: "No place for hate and prejudice: racism and populism in everyday life and on the Internet".
Students were invited to participate in three teaching-learning editorial teams on online journalism (1) text and (2) film.
Click here to go to our blog with all the contributions: link to the blog of the project "Voices against racism and populism"
Study Trip China
In recent years, we have offered 30 students from the university region the opportunity to get to know China "from the inside". The program included a variety of insights into the universities, culture, politics and economy as well as intensive encounters with Chinese students.
Due to the pandemic, the exchange is not taking place at the moment. As soon as the current situation allows it, we would like to organize it again.
All information will be available here: link to the website of the study trip to China
- Award for the work of the IC -
In 2020, the International Club was awarded the Federal Foreign Office Prize for excellent international student support services at German universities. Find out more hier [in German].
Take a look at the film portrait of the IC as an award winner here: