Activities in the dormitories

The International Dormitory Tutors Program is especially aimed at all new (international) students who live in one of SWFR's residence halls:

Students make themselves available as dormitory tutors to help new arrivals from abroad with their first steps at their new place of study. They support the integration of all newcomers and promote social, dormitory-related and interdormitory activities.

ALL residents are invited.

You have a room in a student dormitory and have questions or problems and don't know who to talk to about them? Just arrived in Germany and don't know anything about the German bureaucracy?
Contact your international dormitory tutor, they will definitely help you.

You don't know anyone in Freiburg yet and you are bored?
Have a look at the semester program offered by the international dormitory tutors in your dormitory.

- Freiburg - 

- Offenburg -